bupisage, Autor bei Benchmark-planung.ch

Energy-efficient renovation of a single-family house in Kreuzlingen

When it comes to renovating old buildings for energy efficiency, one question arises relatively quickly at the beginning of the project: What should be the subject of the renovation?continue reading

Feasibility study Conversion of warehouse into a plant research centre with greenhouse

Revitalisierung einer stillgelegten Industrie Liegenschaft Der Auftraggeber, ein regionales Pflanzeninstitut hat den Auftrag für die Umnutzung einer bestehende Lagerhalle aus dem Jahr 1942 auf dem Firmengelände eines ehemaligen Aluminiumtuben Herstellers, so formuliert: Beim «Projekt» geht es um ein Internationales Forschungszentrum, in dem geforscht wird und das gleichzeitig als Treffpunkt und Aufenthaltsort für Partner fungiert, die … continue reading

New single-family home in Mauren, TG

Die Benchmark Planung GmbH durfte in Zusammenarbeit mit Bötschi Architektur SIA GmbH ein Einfamilienhaus im kleinen ländlichen Dorf Mauren im Kanton Thurgau planen.  Die Aufgabe bestand darin, einen Vorentwurf zu erstellen und diesen bis zur Baubewilligung zu begleiten. Auf dem über dreitausend Quadratmeter großen Grundstück befindet sich ein bestehendes Fachwerkhaus erbaut 1888 mit angebauter Scheune … continue reading

Development study Tiny House

Wohnen im Mini-Format Der Wunsch, sich auf kleinem Raum und mit einfachen Mitteln in der unberührten Natur aufzuhalten, ist kein neues Bedürfnis, hat sich aber mit der Covid-Pandemie sicher verstärkt und ist wieder in den Vordergrund gerückt. Die Wildnis hautnah zu erleben, ohne auf die Annehmlichkeiten des modernen Lebens verzichten zu müssen, war der Ursprung … continue reading

Build out of necessity

Building should be a matter of necessity, not profit.

Currently, construction activity remains high. This is a positive signal because it means that the economy is robust and developments are taking place in both the public and private sectors. These developments ultimately benefit the population as a whole.

What I consider a very worrying development, however, is that too many natural areas are still being lost to development. continue reading

Conversion of the Luxburg Castle into a boutique hotel: Benchmark Planung is awarded the architectural contract

Benchmark Planung GmbH has been awarded the architectural contract for the conversion and renovation of the historic Luxburg Castle. The cluster of buildings located on the shore of Lake Constance, dating back to the 15th and 8th centuries are to be converted into an exclusive boutique hotel including a restaurant and event rooms. Schloss Luxburg AG, as the owner of the property, and the Schloss Luxburg Foundation, as the main and majority shareholder, have entrusted Benchmark Planung GmbH along with their partners Moreno Architektur GmbH and MLR Baumanagement GmbH with the architectural assignment.continue reading

Benchmark Planung M. Zanetti is now a GmbH: customer care and the personal touch remain

As of the beginning of February 2023, the former sole proprietorship Benchmark Planung M. Zanetti has taken the next step in corporate development and is thus now officially registered as Benchmark Planung GmbH. This was an obvious and necessary step to take in order to better serve its clients, encouraged by recent successful years and the prospect of larger projects to come. The company endeavours to retain the personal touch for which it is renowned. Benchmark Planung GmbH is looking forward to being a partner and advisor to its clients on this new course. It will continue to put the client’s interests first and is committed to providing the best possible service to its clients in the future.continue reading

Conversion of a house with attached barn into two residential units, TG

The clients would like a modern conversion of an existing farm house into a house that benefits multiple generations.continue reading

A Review of the Projects in 2021

I can look back on a thoroughly successful first business year. During the course of 2021 I found myself in the favourable position of having many different and exciting projects to work on. These were done partly in collaboration with other firms. At this point, I would like to take the opportunity to give my heartfelt thanks to the various clients, owner-builders … continue reading

Public use Schloss Luxburg, Egnach TG

The Luxburg Castle in Egnach, canton Thurgau, needs your support to awaken from its winter sleep. A localcontinue reading