Benchmark Planung GmbH has been awarded the architectural contract for the conversion and renovation of the historic Luxburg Castle. The cluster of buildings located on the shore of Lake Constance, dating back to the 15th and 8th centuries are to be converted into an exclusive boutique hotel including a restaurant and event rooms. Schloss Luxburg AG, as the owner of the property, and the Schloss Luxburg Foundation, as the main and majority shareholder, have entrusted Benchmark Planung GmbH along with their partners Moreno Architektur GmbH and MLR Baumanagement GmbH with the architectural assignment.
Photo right: from L. José Moreno (Planning), Monica Zanetti (Lead planning), Oliver Lussi (Construction management), Stephan Tobler (Chairman Schloss Luxburg AG), Dieter Bötschi (Owner's representative Schloss Luxburg AG). 13.02.2023
Benchmark Planung GmbH drew up the first preliminary project plans for the castle back in 2021. This was when Bötschi Architekturbüro SIA GmbH was still in charge. The conversion is to include extensive renovation and refurbishment work, including an extension to the castle, which dates from the 18th century, and the castle itself, from 1498. The tall structure of the castle consists of four full floors, an attic and a tower with a spiral staircase. The castle has a partial basement. It has two full floors and an attic. After conversion and renovation, the former castle will become a stylish boutique hotel with 18 double rooms and a bistro in the existing dining room. The old castle will be used as a venue for weddings, corporate events and celebrations. It will also house conference and seminar rooms and exhibitions. The aim is to make the castle accessible to a wider public once it has been converted, for instance by making the garden available for a variety of smaller events in an intimate environment. The target date for completion of the conversion will be 2026.
Benchmark Planung GmbH would like to thank Schloss Luxburg AG, the Schloss Luxburg Foundation and the Schloss Luxburg Association for entrusting us with this project of regional importance. We are looking forward to a successful collaboration in order to complete the project to the satisfaction of all parties involved.