Benchmark Planung

With just a few efficient measures, Benchmark Planung GmbH can upgrade your aging property, making it sustainable and adding value for you and future generations.


I maintain that high-quality buildings should be preserved. My aim is to enhance the fabric of the building with just a few marked, but effective architectural implementations. I strive to offer my customers tailor-made solutions that will add value for both current and future owners. As my customer, your needs and wishes are paramount during the entire planning process.

In general, the quality of buildings in Switzerland is above average. The attitude here was (and still is) to build to last forever, or at least for the next 100 years. Having said that, an existing building fabric needs to be regularly upgraded to bring it into line with today’s standards. Doing this means that regional green spaces needn’t be sacrificed for building land.

My focus is on transforming existing homes using bespoken, well-thought-out architectural measures and environmentally conscious building practices to create spaces that enable people to live a happy and creative existence.


Throughout the building process, it is important to keep the ecological footprint as small as possible. To ensure this, wherever possible I use renewables, energy generated from unlimited natural resources. The choice of building materials is also important to me. By using local products and craftsmen, transport routes and the consequent CO2emissions are kept to a minimum, while the local economy is simultaneously supported.


My core competence lies in the design and planning of your project, whether it’s a conversion, renovation work, building an extension or upgrading your building envelope, i.e. the outer shell of the building. The emphasis lies in revamping the building with the aim, not only to reduce the CO2 emissions, but to bring them as close to zero as possible.

Analysis of the building

This consists of compiling a record of the building, including clarifying any restrictions or regulations at local government level, and of course an on-site inspection.

Site visit, viewing the building, collecting basic information, research and clarification, taking measurements


After taking stock of the existing structure, the actual planning of the renovation or conversion can begin.

Refurbishment concept, conceptual drawings, 3D model, design development, application for planning permission, application for government funding, construction documents

Renovation pertaining to thermal heat loss

Renovations pertaining to thermal heat loss deal with the building envelope. Here, the aim is to reduce heat loss through the roof, walls or floor of a building by implementing appropriate measures. I will gladly show you how undertaking coordinated measures would mean that your property consumes less energy for heating and hot water.

Optimising unused spaces

Conversions and refurbishment measures are not always about reducing thermal heat loss. Developing unused spaces can increase the value (or the monetary return) of a property. Good planning can convert your unused spaces into a yield.

Optimising Utilization

Similarly to the optimisation of unused space, the utilisation of unused land is crucially important. Swiss law lays down parameters for the relationship between plot size and the size of a building. In many instances, buildings are not constructed to correspond to the legally permitted floor area of their plots. I can show you how to utilise unused land space and at the same time maximise the value of your property.


Rooftop Terrace Construction: Successful Planning and Start Im Rahmen einer Gebäudehüllen Sanierung eines ehrwürdigen Einfamilienhauses aus dem Jahr 1910 nahmen die Bauherren die Gelegenheit wahr, einen lang gehegten Wunsch zu verwirklichen: den…  … continue reading
Current Status of the Planning Work for Schloss Luxburg Seit Februar 2023 laufen die offiziellen Planungsarbeiten für das historische Schloss Luxburg mit dem Ziel, diesem prachtvollen Bau neues Leben einzuhauchen und für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu…  … continue reading


Worth knowing

Origin and Meaning of the Company Name: Benchmark Planung GmbH Ein Firmenname ist oft mehr als nur eine Bezeichnung – er kann die Werte, die Vision und die Persönlichkeit eines Unternehmens widerspiegeln. Bei Benchmark Planung GmbH trifft…  … continue reading
Build out of necessity Building should be a matter of necessity, not profit. Currently, construction activity remains high. This is a positive signal because  … continue reading


Driven by curiosity and creativity, I always strive to achieve the optimal result for any given situation. For each client, I take the time to do an in-depth study of the project at hand, in order to come up with the most sustainable and innovative solution.

In working with others, I value open and clear communication. Teamwork between all participants during the planning and construction process is essential for me. Honest and constructive collaboration leads to a successful exchange of knowledge, experience, ideas and fresh insights, which is enriching for all those involved.

Benchmark Planning M. Zanetti was launched in 2020.

Higher education

1990Bachelor of Architecture University of Cape Town – BA UCT / Cape Town, South Africa
2013Course on how to training apprentices at Arenenberg / Salenstein, TG, Switzerland
2016Swiss apprenticeship as draughtsperson in architecture EFZ / ZFA, BBM Kreuzlingen / Switzerland

Work experience

2000 – 2020Iseli A + P AG / Uttwil, Switzerland

antoniol+huber+partner Architekten BSA / SIA / Frauenfeld, Switzerland

Bötschi Architekturbüro SIA GmbH / Romanshorn, TG

Moreno Architektur GmbH / Arbon, Switzerland

SG2 Thomsen Arch. & Innenarchitekten / St. Gallen, Switzerland
1990 – 2000Boers Associated Architects / Cape Town, South Africa

Architekturbüro Fischer & Kiessling / Constance, Germany
Since mid 1980sMLH Architects & Planners / Cape Town, South Africa - Practical experience

Gruppe Baron und Partner / Wuppertal, Germany - Practical experience

Arcenas Payuma Andrew Architects / Manila, Philippines - Practical experience


Are you planning a renovation? Then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Monica Zanetti
Benchmark Planung GmbH
Höhenstrasse 3

9320 Arbon, Switzerland

+41 79 396 19 49